Saturday, November 28, 2009

the coloring, the more i see it, is atrocious, but this was very very very very relaxing.....haaaaaaa..........

getting ready to go home so i can come back in to work tommorrow...or maybe i'll sleep here....hmmmmmmmm.......zzzzzzzzzzz........................
surprisingly, it has not happened in 2 whole days (KNOCKONWOODKNOCKONWOODKNOCKONWOOD)

yes, have i ever mentioned how great Flash CS4 is? how nice and stable it is? how useful 3d rotation and bones are? i haven't? woah!

it gets the job done, though

Friday, November 27, 2009

i really want to be drawing right now..... finishing the unfinished RT robot and drawing something more detailed than this:
work is completely spooky when nobody's here.... i haven't decided if it's just a naturally noisy building or if it's full of spooks.

i do love this weird brush i just found in Photoshop

back to work...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

the 48 Hour showcase was yesterday, and although the shorts were phenominal, it left me feeling extremely artistically frustrated (i think the combination of superior films coupled with my team's incomplete film tripled with having to work on a project i really don't want to work on today)

so...i took a moment to draw something i might try to animate in photoshop. i still am considerably intimidated by the notion, but i've been wanting to do it for a year.

but i don't know yet, i don't know quite where these are going and i still have at least 3 little projects set aside already and i should clear them up first.

oh yeah, and the 48 hour film...i'll link it when it gets finished, which may be soon.

Friday, November 20, 2009

all of the things i've been drawingon the computer lately are dragons or various reptilia, have you noticed?

the top is my Left 4 Dead icon. the dragon was actually drawn in Flash several months ago, but i set it aside and forgot it.

i've only been drawing people this week and i'm thinking of buying a scanner for myself, the 48 hour film is about finalized-and the final thing will be shown tommorrow, going to a birthday party tonight, and working all weekend.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

was wrapping up 48 hour film stuff, buuuut.....yeah.

speedy scribble, i don't know what he is.

work is crazy and i haven't recovered from 48 hour films yet, so i haven't even had a chance to play Left 4 Dead 2 (probably tonight).

i will link the film once it's over and done, it has dinosaurs and the moon and a nerdy sun and kittens and violence and an eerily epically written sound track. yooooou will see.

Friday, November 13, 2009


had some time today for some drawing, and this is it.

hung out and saw alot of Calarts folks this week, that was cool. also bought Robocop 3 and Hotshots for cheaps, and saw Star Crash last night. Star Crash is awesome. i still can't figure out if the robot couldn't bend hus elbows because of the costume or because that was his acting choice as a robot.

there is also Rock Band at the office now. it is very very noisy...and lots of fun.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

qiuckness for monthies, which may (more than likely) be going to go on a little break. probably not forever, but a good piece of time since everybody is preoccupied